Your Blueprint to Success, Love and Happiness

Save time, money and heartache. 5 hours of learning, insights and immersion rooted in ancient wisdom and neuroscience of happiness to help you create the life your heart desires. Be a light in your life, health, relationships, career and business so you can achieve your greatest success, and still enjoy the process.

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could just...

Achieve your goals, without getting stuck or overwhelmed... so you can truly move forward to create your best life?

Create income, impact and contribution within your genius... so you can do what you love, and sustain a healthy life from it, both financially and emotionally? 

Be shown the way by those who walk the walk to teach you everything from building a great career or business, attracting love into your life, and live with joy as you navigate the chaos that is life...so you are not beholden to external situations, problems and challenges?

You've been searching high and low for answers to the meaning of life (cliche but true!). Not having these answers have kept you playing small, or waiting for the "right" time. Doubting yourself, who you are and what you're capable of. Feeling sad, scared and even angry that your personal or professional life isn't where you'd hoped it would be.

I was once where you are now, plagued by fears, failures and anxieties. Doubting myself at every turn, sometimes wishing that the world would swallow me whole so I didn't have to do this anymore. Struggled with these same roadblocks for years until I found the stepping stones that got me out of the shadows into the light of meaning, passion and purpose.

This is why we created this masterclass. So you can have a taste of, and be immersed in, the key principles that gave us a platform to stand within our own to create our life of great abundance.

You can have this too!

"So I've gone from this fight or flight mode into just a lot more relaxed."

... my work situation has changed in a really positive way. I feel stronger. I feel more present and I feel more powerful to ask for what it is that I really want, still in a really respectful and professional way that's serving me better. And definitely my husband's even said my energy has changed. So I've gone from this fight or flight mode into just a lot more relaxed.

I absolutely highly recommend it even if you are a skeptic or terrified. Honestly, you will not meet a more supportive group of individuals who are just there to support you and hold you in that moment.

Tammie Hodgkinson
Wife, Mother, Team Leader
What You Get

This is for you if you've always known that mindset is the key to success. You have a passion for, or interest in, personal development as the key to success and joy in life.

There's so much information out there, a lot of them useful and most of it even free. The problem is that most people go down the rabbit-hole wasting precious time searching high and low trying to make sense of all the bits and pieces!

We've done the work for you! In this masterclass, you get a simple and complete framework in a step-by-step blueprint that not only teaches you the most important principles to manifest your best life... you also save time, effort and energy!

This way, you can stop searching and start living!


Feeling stuck in a cycle, but don't know how to get out? If it feels like there's an invisible wall holding you back, there is. Learn the 3 major reasons that block success, and how to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of you and your dreams.


You're exhausted, but you don't know how to get out. It feels like everyone else around you is moving on with their lives, but it's like there's a giant invisible ceiling between you and your dreams. You can turn your pain into power, and start creating the life you want.


The problem with popular Law of Attraction and The Secret is that they only show us part of the solution. There are 7 other principles that make the Law of Attraction work. Without them, we are merely dreaming and not manifesting.

You also get these BONUSES

This is not theory. You can work as you watch using this workbook that we have specially created for this masterclass so you get the best value from the information we share with you.


You get a free copy of international best-selling author and coach Pip McKay's eBook, "The 8 Principles of Achievement, Love and Happiness". Learn how to get the most out of your life and enjoy the process.


You also receive a complimentary 30-min Zoom call to clarify anything that comes up for you.

There is light at the end of the tunnel...

Never give up on your dreams, no matter how hard life might seem right now. In life, success lurks just on the other side of our lowest point.

Having toiled and struggled in a corporate job of 16+ hour workdays, working nights and weekends, I fell asleep behind the wheel and totalled my car. 

I knew then that things had to change. I've been on a journey since and now my mission is to help you discover how you can let go of your past to live life with passion and purpose.

We were never taught this at school. We will teach you in this masterclass.

Powerful and transformative

"... a really powerful and transformative program. Come along and discover your superhero origin story and how you got your super powers!"

Andrew Ramsden
Manager, Entrepreneur, Coach
I have been able to see what is missing and move towards it.

"... the most amazing journey of discovery, validation and connection that is just so essential. I have been able to see what is missing and move towards it. Thank you, Andrew!"

Gretel Jane
Mother, Business Owner, Coach
Have a burning question?
  • What will I get out of watching this masterclass?
    You will learn a simple and powerful blueprint to achieve the trifecta of success, love and happiness. If you want to be shown the most effective way to condense time so you can let go of the past, and live in the present with passion and purpose, then this is for you. If you've ever imagined what life would be like if you could earn a great income doing what you love - and achieve balance, joy and freedom - you must join us for this masterclass!
  • Will this work for me?
    Are you ready and willing to shift your mindset from what it was to something new that actually works? If so, then YES. Everyone who’s attended this masterclass has found immense value. You get a step-by-step blueprint so you can focus on creating your best life. We also show you how to build upon this blueprint so you can learn how to break free from the invisible forces that have held you back.
  • Is this worth my time?
    Are you willing to invest 5 hours to learn the blueprint and begin your journey for creating a lifetime of success, love and happiness? Are you committed to take massive intentional action? Are you ready to live a life that is successful, joyful and free?
  • What else will I get?
    1. Downloadable workbook so you can work through these principles with us in the masterclass.
    2. Complimentary copy of international best-selling author and coach Pip McKay's eBook, 8 Principles of Achievement, Love and Happiness. Learn how to get the most out of your life and enjoy the process.
    3. Complimentary 30-min discovery call to clarify anything that comes up for you.
    4. Lifetime access and updates to this masterclass so you can review, reconnect and apply these principles in your own time.
  • How I can reach you?
    Send an email to andrew@andrewlow.com.au and we will personally answer any questions you might have.
Ready to discover the step-by-step blueprint to transform your life from exhaustion to equilibrium?
Grab this masterclass for just $27 (a $297 value) before this price disappears forever!

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